Kallang Notarize

A notary public in Kallang is a public servant appointed by a state official. The general focus of his or her job is to witness the documents’ verification and administer oaths. They serve to deter fraud, appearing as an impartial witness for legal documents such as affidavits, deeds or powers of attorney. The presence of a notary public helps to screen for imposters and make sure both parties are entering into an agreement knowingly and willingly.

Similarly, legalization is the process of proper authentication or screening of documents or the notary by the high commission or the embassy or the consulate of the country in which the document is to be used is authorized to or located in Singapore. In simple terms, it is the official confirmation of the originality of the documents or we can say that document legalization is just the confirmation that the stamp, seal or the signature showing in the document is genuine and not a fraud.

Notary Signing Agent Companies

Kallang Notary Public Service Locations

The paper process of the Singapore company formation demands the submission of four different types of documents. Therefore, you must understand the detail features of the documents to understand the process with which you have to fill them up. All these facts are essential to know when you go for UK Partnership Company.

The memorandum of association, for example, demands the name of the company, the registered address of the office and the object of the company. Well, there is no need to be complicated with the object of the company. For example you can keep it as simple as carrying on as the commercial company. However, the memorandum should be signed by all the subscribers in front of the witness who will have to attest the signatures.

Also, you can take the help of the company formation agents. They have direct links to the Companies House. That enables them to look up the name of the company directly, as well as to submit the company. However, different companies offer different types of process of company formation. In this regard, you should check out the list by the Companies House on the company formation agents.

Hire reliable agents who will allow you to sail through these documentation requirements.

Where Can You Get A Notary

Singapore Documentation Checking

A Power of Attorney form refers to a lawful certificate that confirms the formation of a relationship among two persons, called an agent and a principal. This document allows the principal to authorize an agent to work on his behalf. There are many kinds of such forms. It may be general, where the agent can act on behalf of the principal for any matter, or it can be specific, allowing the agent to act on the part of the principal for certain predefined businesses only.

You'll need to sign a general Power of Attorney form when you authorize an attorney to fully take responsibility of acting on your behalf and represent you in all legal matters which may pertain to your property or finances or another legal matter pending against you..

A Power of Attorney form should necessarily contain the following information:

- The name and address of the principal
- Principal's social security number
- The duration of time for its validity
- It should clearly state the power resting with the agent
- Date and signature

For matters concerning estate tax, it should include the name of the deceased, date of his/her death and authorization of the agent.

General Power of Attorney Form


Notary Public Singapore Central